Shiny allows you to build a graphical user interface for your R script. The so-called Shiny Apps are specific R scripts that run on special servers. The script is split into two parts: a part that does all the heavy duty calculations on the server; and a part that generates a graphical user interface to interact with the user. I don't intend to explain Shiny in detail in this post. You can consult the Shiny page, which offers excellent information and tutorials.
In this post I will focus on a specific issue with Shiny. Information thrown from the user interface can be caught by ‘event observers’. For instance, when a user clicks a button on the interface this can be detected on the server, which then executes a specific part of the script. Shiny offers many standard user interface elements, but custom elements can also be created.
You can for instance create a link that can be clicked, which then sends information to the server. The problem is that such ‘events’ (clicks) will only be detected by the Shiny server when the information that is being send changes. So, when you create a custom interface element that should send the same information each time it is clicked, it will not be detected.
In the example below I show how you can work around this issue. I solved it by negating (i.e., multiplying the information with minus one) each time the custom interface element is clicked. This way, it will get detected each time by the server. On the server side you only need to take the absolute value of the data sent by the interface.
Below you will find a fully commented source code showing the work around described in this post. It also shows you the App actually running on the server.
Note: the app runs under my free account at So, when it is not working, I probably ran out of my monthly server-time. In that case please come back later and try again. Or get the source code from my Gist:
# This part of the code generates the user interface show at the client's side. | |
# For details and tutorials go to | |
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( | |
# This adds a tiny bit of javascript to the client side's web page. | |
# It defines a global variable 'negator', which is negated when | |
# the javascript function negate() is called. | |
# This can be used to trick Shiny's event observers. | |
tags$head(tags$script("var negator=1; | |
function negate() { | |
negator = -negator | |
return(negator) | |
}")), | |
# A custom user interface element: | |
# If you click me twice in a row, the second time, nothing will happen: | |
p(a("I'm a custom interface", href = "#", | |
onclick = "Shiny.onInputChange(\"customInterface\", 1);"), | |
"clicking me twice won't work as intended..."), | |
# Another custom user interface element: | |
# If you click me twice in a row, the siny server will respond (because | |
# the value that is being passed is negated): | |
p(a("I'm another custom interface", href = "#", | |
onclick = "Shiny.onInputChange(\"customInterface\", 2*negate());"), | |
"clicking me twice will work as intended..."), | |
# Output text will be shown here: | |
verbatimTextOutput("outputText"), | |
p("Source code is shown below") | |
)) |
# This part of the code runs on a Shiny server and interacts with the | |
# user interface shown at the client's side. | |
# For details and tutorials go to | |
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, server) { | |
# Make these character strings 'reactive'. That way | |
# the output text is automatically update when these | |
# values are changed. | |
values <- reactiveValues(state = c("Interface1: Waiting for clicks", | |
"Interface2: Waiting for clicks")) | |
# Try to count the number of clicks on each interface. Initialize the counter | |
interface <- c(-1, -1) | |
# observer for clicks on any of the custom interface elements: | |
observeEvent(input$customInterface, { | |
# This event observer will always respond to clicks on the second | |
# interface, as it's value is negated with each click. | |
# We just need to make sure that we take the absolute value of | |
# any negated values: | |
i <- abs(input$customInterface) | |
# count the number of clicks and reset once they have been clicked twice: | |
interface[i] <<- (interface[i] + 1)%%2 | |
if (interface[i] == 0) values$state[i] <- sprintf("Interface%i: click me once, shame on you!", i) | |
if (interface[i] == 1) values$state[i] <- sprintf("Interface%i: click me twice, shame on me!", i) | |
}) | |
# render the output text: | |
output$outputText <- renderText(paste0(c(values$state[1], | |
values$state[2]), collapse = "\n")) | |
}) |